Uji Daya Simpan Benih Jengkol (Pithecellobium Lobatum) Dengan Menggunakan Beberapa Media Simpan


  • Fitri Lestari Manurung Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung
  • Melya Riniarti Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung
  • Duryat Duryat Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung




Jengkol (Pithecellobium lobatum) is one of MPTs that is included of Fabaceae Family.  Jengkol seed is counted as recalcitrant, which is could not defend it is viability when it is stored at low temperature and humidity. The study aims were to determine the effect of storage time and storage media to storability of jengkol seed, storage media effective to maintain the jengkol seed viability, and the interaction between the storage media and the storage time to jengkol seed. The research design of factorial (3 x 4) in a completely randomized was employed as a research method. The first factor was the storage time (T) which was consisted of T0 (without storage), T1 (2 weeks of storage), T2 (4 weeks of storage), and T3 (6 weeks of storage). Second factor was storage media (M) which was consisted of M0 (without storage media), M1 (sawdust storage media), and M2 (rice husk storage media). For each combination treatment was repeated 3 times. Each unit of experiments consisted of 40 seeds. The observed variables were germinated seeds in storage, the number of germinated seeds, avarage day to germination and germination power. Bartlett test was used to figure out the homogenity of datas. Varians analysis was at least one used to see if there was at least one significant treatment. The smalles significant differences test was used as further test. The entire data were tested on 5% significant level. The results showed that storage of jengkol seed using rice husk for storage media with storage time of 6 weeks gave the best effect for maintaining the shelf life of the seeds. The most effective media to maintain the viability of jengkol seeds is rice husk which can defend the jengkol seeds viability up to 6 weeks of storage.

Keywords: jengkol, germination, storage media, storage time


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How to Cite

Manurung, F. L. ., Riniarti, M., & Duryat, D. (2016). Uji Daya Simpan Benih Jengkol (Pithecellobium Lobatum) Dengan Menggunakan Beberapa Media Simpan. Jurnal Sylva Lestari, 4(2), 69–78. https://doi.org/10.23960/jsl2469-78





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