Penambahan Bahan Pembenah Tanah untuk Mempercepat Kolonisasi Ektomikoriza dan Pertumbuhan Damar Mata Kucing (The Additional of Soil Conditioner Substances to Accelerate Ectomycorrhiza Colonization and Growth of Shorea Javanica)


  • Andreas Kusuma Jurusan Kehutanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lampung
  • Melya Riniarti Jurusan Kehutanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lampung
  • Surnayanti Surnayanti Jurusan Kehutanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lampung



Shorea javanica is family of Dipterocarpacae that could associate with ectomycorrhiza. Ectomycorrhiza colonization were influenced by many factors, such as the soil condition. The purpose of this research were to know the proper concentration of soil conditioner substances to increase growth and accelerate ectomycorrhiza colonization process. This research was done in May to August 2016 by using Randomized Complete Design. Ectomycorrhiza used was suspension spore of Scleroderma columnare 20 ml/polybag. With different treatment of the concentration of Bio-Nature 50 (BN50) addition and given as much as 20 ml / polybag which were a) no added ectomycorrhiza and BN50, b) added ectomycorrhiza inoculum, c) added ectomycorrhiza inoculum and 0,1 % BN50, d) added ectomycorrhiza inoculum and 0,2 % BN50, and e) added ectomycorrhiza inoculum with 0,3.% BN50. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance followed by Least Significant Difference test. The experimantal results showed that additional 0,1 % concentration of BN50 could increase growth of S. javanica. The additional of BN50 0,1 %, 0,2 % and 0,3 % in the media that have been inoculated give equally good results in accelerated ectomycorrhiza colonization on root system of S. javanica.

Key words : Bio-Nature 50, ectomycorrhiza, Scleroderma columnare, Shorea javanica, soil conditioner.


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How to Cite

Kusuma, A., Riniarti, M., & Surnayanti, S. (2018). Penambahan Bahan Pembenah Tanah untuk Mempercepat Kolonisasi Ektomikoriza dan Pertumbuhan Damar Mata Kucing (The Additional of Soil Conditioner Substances to Accelerate Ectomycorrhiza Colonization and Growth of Shorea Javanica). Jurnal Sylva Lestari, 6(1), 16–23.





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