Carbon Stock in Repong Damar Agroforest at Pahmungan Village, Pesisir Tengah Sub-District, Pesisir Barat Regency


  • Dendi Restu Bhaskara
  • Rommy Qurniati
  • Duryat Duryat
  • Irwan Sukri Banuwa



The area of Repong Damar in Pahmungan Village is a form of mixed forest ecosystem managed by local communities. The diversity of plant species in Repong Damar is expected to contribute on carbon sequestration at the atmosfer, therefore it was necessary to conduct research that aims to find out the structure and composition of vegetation as well as to determine the potential of carbon stock in Repong Damar. The research was used the Important Value Index method, allometric equations, and Completely Randomized Block Design. The result of this research showed that species of Damar Mata Kucing (Shorea javanica) has the highest dominancy in all of growing stage. This result was estimated because Damar Mata Kucing able to survive and develop them selves both on the environmental conditions. Repong Damar classified as forest which has high carbon stock that range between 174,22 up to 254,09 ton/ha so it can be categorized as forest with good condition. Potential of CO2 sequestrated that range between 639,37 up to 932,52 tons/ha. The results showed that none of the three classes of altitude had significant differences in carbon stocks because in all three classes of altitude still had the same environmental conditions.


Keywords: carbon reseve, Pesisir Barat, Repong Damar.


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How to Cite

Bhaskara, D. R., Qurniati, R., Duryat, D., & Banuwa, I. S. (2018). Carbon Stock in Repong Damar Agroforest at Pahmungan Village, Pesisir Tengah Sub-District, Pesisir Barat Regency. Jurnal Sylva Lestari, 6(2), 32–40.





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