Keadaan Vegetasi Hutan Berbasis Masyarakat di Desa Aik Bual dan Desa Setiling, Pulau Lombok (Vegetation Condition of Community-Managed Forests in Aik Bual Village and Setiling Village, Lombok Island)
Community-based forest management practices vary according to biophysical and management factors. This study aimed to explain the vegetation conditions of community-based forest management in Aik Bual and Setiling village, Lombok Tengah. The study site was divided into protected forest areas (HL) in Aik Bual Village with a legal community forest permit (Aik Bual-HKm), HL in Setiling Village with no legal community forest permit (Setiling-Non Permit), and HL in Aik Bual Village with no legal community forest permit (Aik Bual-Non Permit). Field measurement was conducted in July 2018 by establishing 12 plots of 20 m x 20 m. The results showed that Aik Bual-HKm, Setiling-Non Permit and Aik Bual-Non Permit had 24, 13 and 22 species, respectively. The results illustrated the possible differences of vegetation diversity in community-managed forests with and without legal permission.
Keywords: agroforestry, land tenure, protected forest, vegetation analysis
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