Struktur Tegakan dan Serapan Karbon pada Hutan Sekunder Kelompok Hutan Muara Merang, Sumatera Selatan (Vegetation Structure and Carbon Stocks in Secondary Forests of Muara Merang Forest Complex, South Sumatera)
Primary natural forests generally have higher biodiversity and biomass compared to secondary forests. This study aimed to analyze the species composition, forest structure, biomass and carbon stock in the Old Secondary Forest (HST), Young Secondary Forest (HSM), and Old Shrub Forest (HBT) in Peatland Protection Area, Musi Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatera Province. Forest inventory was conducted in measurement plots of 100 m x 100 m in the HST, HSM, and HBT. The results recorded 39 species of 20 families and 565 standing trees with a diameter of >= 10 in the HST, 48 species of 20 families and 430 standing trees in the HSM, and 2 species of 1 family and 4 standing trees in the HBT. Vegetation at the tree level in the HST was dominated by Eugenia sp., Alseodaphne insignis, and Adenanthera pavonina, while the HSM was dominated by Macaranga maingayi, Koompassia malaccensis, and Alseodaphne insignis, and the HBT was dominated by Acacia mangium and Acacia crassicarpa. The biomass and carbon stock of standing trees in the HST were 181,61 t/ha and 90,79 t C/ha, respectively; in the HSM were 117,04 t/ha and 58,51 t C/ha; while in the HBT were 1,33 t/ha and 0,66 t C/ha. The results revealed that carbon stock in the HST was higher than that in the HSM and HST.
Keywords: carbon stocks, carbon uptake, Musi Banyuasin, peatlands, vegetation structure
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