Keragaman dan Pengendalian Tumbuhan Invasif di KHDTK Samboja, Kalimantan Timur (Diversity and Management of Invasive Plants in Samboja Research Forest, Kalimantan Timur)
Historically, and based on the latest conditions, Samboja Research Forest has a fairly high vulnerability to the presence of invasive species that can interfere with ecosystem stability and forest succession. However, data collection and risk assessment of invasive species have not been conducted in the forest area. The study was carried out to support the management of Samboja Research Forest, particularly in controlling invasive species. The study was conducted with exploration techniques in open areas, secondary forests, and primary forests. The density and frequency data of invasive plants were obtained using random plots in secondary and primary forest areas. The results showed the presence of 52 invasive plant species in the Samboja Research Forest area with dominance by shrubs and herbs. Based on plants distribution and density, four crucial invasive plant species in Samboja Research Forest were identified, namely: Acacia mangium, Spathodea campanulata, Miconia crenata, and Piper aduncum. The management of invasive species was carried out in two stages, short term, through manual weeding, and in the long term, with the prevention, eradication, and periodic risk assessment.
Keywords: invasive alien species, Kalimantan, eradication, Spathodea campanulata
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