Growing Site Characteristics of Agathis labillardieri Warb in the Natural Forests of Siwi Momiwaren, West Papua
Agathis labillardieri Warb is one of the copal-producing tree species that only distributed in Papua. In connection with regional development, the existence of this species has been a significant concern. Therefore, it is necessary to study the characteristics of A. labillardieri Warb in their natural growing areas in the natural protected forest of Siwi Momiwaren. The data were collected by using the line plot method systematic sampling method with nesting plot. The data were then analyzed to determine the species relative density, frequency, dominance, important value index (IVI), and growth characteristics. The results showed that A. labillardieri Warb had the highest IVI at all levels of growth, with the highest diversity index at the seedling level of 3.49. When viewed from the relationship of the presence of species with the characteristics of the growing site, the content of Mg and Na significantly affected the presence of this species in the natural forest area of South Manokwari Siwi Momiwaren.
Keywords: Agathis labillardieri Warb, growing site characteristics, Siwi Momiwaren, West Papua
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