The Contribution Value of Conservation Institution to Animal Welfare Aspects at Serulingmas Wildlife Recreation Park, Banjarnegara


  • Wibiyanto Setiawan Master Program of Topical Biodiversity Conservation, IPB University
  • Tutut Sunarminto Departement of Forest Conservation, Faculty of Forestry and Environment, IPB University
  • Burhanuddin Masy'ud Department of Forest Conservation, Faculty of Forestry and Environment, IPB University



The main function of conservation institutions is to control breeding and wild plants and rescue wild plants and animals while maintaining the species purity. This role requires conservation institutions to contribute toanimal conservation to save and conserve wild animals ex-situ. This research aims to determine the contribution value of Serulingmas Wildlife Recreation Park as an implementationof animal welfare. The data was collected through interviews and field observations. The results showed that the implementation achievement of animal welfare at Serulingmas Wildlife Recreation Park was classified as good with an achievement value of 76.61. However, the contribution value of Serulingmas Wildlife Recreation Park to the animal conservation aspects was still categorized as low, which was mainly due to the low animal births. Increasing the success of animal births could be carried out through coaching on technical aspects such as improving animal health management and facilities.

Keywords: animal welfare, ex-situ conservation, conservation institution, wildlife conservation


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How to Cite

Setiawan, W., Sunarminto, T., & Masy’ud, B. (2021). The Contribution Value of Conservation Institution to Animal Welfare Aspects at Serulingmas Wildlife Recreation Park, Banjarnegara. Jurnal Sylva Lestari, 9(2), 314–328.





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