Production of Nephelium lappaceum Seedlings using Different Volumes of Tubes and Cultivation Densities


  • Ítalo Felipe Nogueira Ribeiro Graduate Program in Forestry Science, Federal University of Acre
  • Cleverson Agueiro de Carvalho Graduate Program in Plant Production, Federal University of Acre
  • Márcio Chaves da Silva Graduate Program in Plant Production, Federal University of Acre
  • Ronier Felipe da Silva Oliveira Graduate Program in Forestry Science, Federal University of Acre
  • Rychaellen Silva de Brito Graduate Program in Plant Production, Federal University of Acre
  • Reginaldo Almeida Andrade Graduate Program in Plant Production, Universidade Federal de Rondônia



Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) fruit is a potential non-timber forest in tropical countries such as Indonesia due to its high economic potential. However, it is necessary to know the silvicultural aspects of the species in order to produce high-quality seedlings. The volume of the tube used and the spacing between seedlings can influence the quality of the seedlings. Thus, this work aimed to evaluate the production of seedlings of N. lappaceum through different densities of seedlings per tray and volumes of tubes. The experiment was installed in the nursery of the Technology Foundation of the state of Acre in Rio Branco. A completely randomized design with two factors (2 × 3) was adopted, considering two volumes of tubes, 110 cm³ and 180 cm³, and three seedling densities per tray, 1/3, 2/3, and 3/3. After 120 days, it was observed that the seedlings produced in tubes with a volume of 180 cm3 had greater aerial length and stem diameter in relation to the density of seedlings per tray, seedlings produced in less dense trays (1/3) had a higher Dickson quality index. Therefore, it is inferred that seedlings of N. lappaceum are favored when tubes with a volume of 180 cm³ and a density per tray of 1/3 are used.

Keywords: Dickson quality index, fruitful species, initial growth, non-timber forest product, seedling production


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How to Cite

Nogueira Ribeiro, Ítalo F., Carvalho, C. A. de, Silva, M. C. da, Oliveira, R. F. da S. ., Brito, R. S. de ., & Andrade, R. A. (2023). Production of Nephelium lappaceum Seedlings using Different Volumes of Tubes and Cultivation Densities. Jurnal Sylva Lestari, 11(2), 335–344.





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