Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021): January
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- 10.23960/jsl.v9i1.492
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- 10.23960/jsl.v9i1.494
Lignin as an Active Biomaterial: A Review
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- Abstract views: 3257 times
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- 10.23960/jsl191-22
The Removal of Cured Urea-Formaldehyde Adhesive towards Sustainable Medium Density Fiberboard Production: A Review
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- Abstract views: 1293 times
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- 10.23960/jsl1923-44
Household Livelihood Strategy Based on Capital Assets in Fire-Prone Areas, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, South Sumatra
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- Abstract views: 583 times
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- 10.23960/jsl1945-63
Characterization and Potential of Coelogyne rochussenii Orchids from Bukit Rimbang and Bukit Baling Wildlife Sanctuary as Explant Source
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- Abstract views: 213 times
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- 10.23960/jsl1964-75
Antimicrobial Activity of Ten Extractives from Toba, North Sumatra and Mt. Merapi National Park Regions, Indonesia
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- 10.23960/jsl1976-85
Tree Health Management Strategy in Cianjur Urban Forest
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- Abstract views: 379 times
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- 10.23960/jsl1986-103
Penilaian Risiko Ergonomi dalam Kegiatan Pemungutan Getah Pinus: Analisis Postur Kerja Statis (Ergonomics Risk Assessment in Pine Resin Harvesting: A Static Postural Analysis)
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- Abstract views: 292 times
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- 10.23960/jsl19104-120
Hubungan Letak Aksial dan Variasi Ketebalan Papan terhadap Penyusunan Skedul Pengeringan Kayu Cemara Gunung (Casuarina Junghuhniana Miq.) (Relationship Between Axial Location and Board Thickness Variation on the Development of Drying Schedule of Cemara Gunung (Casuarina Junghuhniana Miq.))
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- Abstract views: 151 times
- PDF downloaded: 2102 times
- 10.23960/jsl19121-137
Dampak Jangka Pendek Penjarangan Hutan Campuran terhadap Keanekaragaman Serangga Terbang di KPH Banten (Short-Term Impact of Thinning of Mixed Forest on the Diversity of Flying Insects in Forest Management Unit of Banten)
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- Abstract views: 384 times
- PDF downloaded: 2610 times
- 10.23960/jsl19138-150
Produksi dan Laju Dekomposisi Serasah Ceriops tagal di Cagar Alam Tanjung Panjang (The Production and Decomposition Rate of Ceriops tagal Litter in Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve)
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- Abstract views: 185 times
- PDF downloaded: 665 times
- 10.23960/jsl19151-160
Pengaruh Karakteristik Kimia terhadap Sifat Mekanis dan Keawetan Alami Tiga Jenis Kayu Kurang Digunakan (Effect of Chemical Characteristics on Mechanical and Natural Durability Properties of Three Lesser-Used Wood Species)
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- Abstract views: 1002 times
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- 10.23960/jsl19161-178
Pemodelan Spasial Kesesuaian Habitat Elang Jawa (Nisaetus bartelsi) di Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru (Spatial Modeling of Javan Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus bartelsi) Habitat Suitability in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park)
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- Abstract views: 381 times
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- 10.23960/jsl19179-189